Whether on the radio, TV, or the web: The SR is a Saarland-based focal point of regional news. After its relaunch, the SR.de online portal is even more user-focused. The websites of the radio stations, TV channels, and SR media library, now featuring individual designs, are now available for all devices.
UX total for all radio waves of Saarländischer Rundfunk.

Ergosign led the relaunch of the SR-Online portal for the various radio frequencies.
BriefResponsive redesign for all radio waves
Different designs were created for the different radio stations and TV channels of the SR. Together these designs fit into a cohesive bigger picture. To be even more responsive to the user's needs and desires, Ergosign strengthened the focus on them. The responsive approach was a challenging task due to the complexity of the project. To completely realize all requirements, we also implemented the complete frontend development.
ApproachSucessful cooperation
During weekly meetings, the Ergosign team worked closely with the editorial team and SR's webmasters. Intensive collaboration with external partners also took place, particularly at the stage of implementation and integration of the CMS system. We are pleased to have successfully navigated and mastered the project's challenges and that the result has been so well received.
Unique Users in Million
Traffic Increase in %
More Page Impressions in %
OutcomeNew UX ensures record audience
Ergosign conducted tests to recognize the user's needs and desires and take them into account as far as possible. Now, websites of various radio stations, TV channels, and SR media libraries feature individual designs and are available for smartphones, tablets or desktop PCs. That our solution fits perfectly is reflected by the record numbers of the SR online portal shortly after the relaunch. With 14.7 million visitors, the online services increased their traffic by 18 percent compared to the previous year.
OutcomeThe follow-up to web design: 4 Apps, 1 brand
The multifaceted project comprises four apps of four radio waves of the "Saarländischer Rundfunk "— inspired by our website design. By combining the respective color world of each wave with the corporate design of the umbrella brand, we created a design concept that conveys the overriding brand values. Thanks to the modular operating concept, individual units can be combined freely, enabling each app to meet the specific needs of its respective users. Users who switch between apps will have no problems finding their way.
About the clientSR - Saarländischer Rundfunk
The SR is a regional public service broadcaster in Saarland and a member of ARD (German Association of Public Broadcasting Corporations). It offers regional news on its website. Furthermore, different radio stations (SR 1, SR 2, SR 3, UnserDing, AntenneSaar) and SR television can make their own program content available to the public and thus interact with their consumers.

Marie-Claire Harnasch, Senior UX Designer bei Ergosign
"We developed a wonderful solution for all target groups due to close cooperation between the editorial team and technicians."