Banks and insurances are service businesses. The customer experience differentiates matters and it should be the top priority. The customer's experience starts breathing through the digital touchpoints the customer interacts with. Nowadays, customers have high expectations and this is constantly rising. People use digital services on various occasions, and a positive experience quickly becomes the new benchmark.
Financial ServicesEmpathetic services are the key to success.

Banks & insurances redefined

Day-to-day banking: Simple and fast operations
FinTechs and direct banks have changed and vastly improved the digital experience in transactional banking. Customers can open a bank account on their mobile phone in less than 10 minutes or quickly send money to friends. The target audience for such services is immense.
Not every traditional bank has been able to provide this new standard as digital services are not their main expertise.

Online banking should be more inclusive.
Complexity can scare people away — designs that are too complex can be the reason for losing certain groups of users: older or less experienced users become quickly overwhelmed and feel insecure. This can lead to a decision not to use your digital touchpoints anymore.
We help you tame the structure of your digital system – and design the best experience for your target groups.

Digital can help to build relationships proactively.
The insurance business is often quite intangible and hard to get into. Many products don't offer immediately something in return. They just provide their value in an event of damage or loss. Legal phrases and a sometimes overwhelming amount of information don’t make it easy to fully convince and trust. Long-term decisions can be uncomfortable for customers.
There is a lot of value for customers when experts can support with the right products. Flexible products that can be adapted to a customer's changing life situation make decisions easier. But then companies need to understand changes in their customers’ lives — to interact with customers and show that they are caring.
Digital touchpoints make it easy and convenient to interact, allowing to deliver value throughout the entire customer life cycle. So insurance can become informed lifetime partners for a secure life.

Empathetic service that works when it matters.
In the event of a claim, efficient and empathetic service is of paramount importance. This is the moment of truth, when insurance coverage becomes tangible for customers and longstanding loyalty is appreciated. On the flipside, any bad experiences lead to serious damage in trust — and might end with the customer leaving. Providing an excellent service that provides effortless and flexible solutions to any problem should be key priority for any insurance company: We can pave the ground for it.