Digital Experience PlatformsTogether we bring your brand promise to the point - and make sure that it is kept.

Illustration of two figures working on an implied customer journey.

DXP — Individualized customer centricity through a digital experience platform

Today, brands must be perceivable holistically across all touchpoints.  Customer-centric communication and interaction with all target groups are crucial for success. Digital experience platforms provide the ideal toolbox for the targeted control of all digital touchpoints. Whether a website, intranet or extranet, e-mails, apps, e-commerce platforms, or self-service portals — a DXP ensures the perfectly personalized customer experience everywhere. We provide holistic and human-centered advice on selecting the right strategy and technology.

Digital experience platforms consist of many different components and technologies.  Our processes are designed accordingly: Multidisciplinary teams support you in every phase of the digital transformation of your service. We implement tailor-made solutions and support you beyond the go-live.

We will bring your brand promise to the point and make sure that it is kept!

more about DXP

Customer experience as a guarantee for success

The right strategy is essential for the success of digital products and services.

To ensure that we can accurately address all requirements, goals, and wishes, we conduct interviews with internal stakeholders, their customers, and the editors. Existing quantitative data is also included. Together, we develop a digital brand strategy from these findings — perfectly tailored to your target group and all relevant touchpoints. Thus laying the foundations for an optimal, digital customer experience.

more about Service Design
Ergosign employee standing in front of Experience Map.

We ❤️ editors!

Our content management team of experts provides comprehensive advice on the quality and scope of content and the selection of the appropriate CMS (content management system). We also support the development of SEO strategies, the framework of information architecture, and rights and roles for content management. As a reliable, operational partner, our helpdesk support is available for all aspects of content maintenance and the initial migration of content to the new system.

To ensure that your editorial team can implement the strategic goals in their daily work with the CMS at any time, we develop individual training concepts and conduct personal training sessions. Videos and online documentation enable a continuous transfer of knowledge in your teams.

Ergosign employee at her laptop.

DXP Design - Beyond UX

Together we design a modern visual appearance of your digital channels - which convinces with high-quality UX. Focusing on the digital representation of your brand, we always have your customers' needs, but also explicitly those of the editors, in mind.

Like the components in a CMS, we develop a design system with modular building blocks and attributes, enabling a display of individual touch points and continuous scalability. The close cooperation between UX design and development ensures high quality and the feasibility of your customized solution.

more about UX Design
Mockup with smartphones of the xDesk App from Ergosign.

We are your technology partner for headless CMS.

The basis of a DXP is the choice of a suitable "headless CMS". Our experts have extensive and many years of experience with the CMS solutions of our partners from Storyblok and Scrivito. Do your requirements call for a different system? No problem, we are also open to other providers.

We accompany you through the decision-making process and define a DXP architecture that enables you to implement your strategic goals in such a way that you inspire customers and editorial staff alike.

We are at your side throughout the implementation of your solution. Early integration of our software testing, as well as ongoing QA processes, ensure our high-quality standards. Defined processes support the way you work and align the implementation so that you can easily manage your content and its distribution.

more about Development
Ergosign employee makes a scribble on the whiteboard about the headless CMS function.

We also support you beyond the Go-Live.

Our experts accompany integrating your digital products and services into ongoing operations and ensure optimal accessibility. Always approachable and quick, reliably, we react to any events that may occur.

Our goal is to optimize your digital channels continuously. For this reason, we collect previously defined, strategically relevant data and make it available to you in consolidated form. This can derive steps for ongoing optimization or potential for further development.

more about Operate
Ergosign helpdesk team at work with headset.

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In our Ergosign webinars on DXP and other exciting topics, we present the latest trends, best practices, and innovative technologies.

About the webinars
Tobias Zapp

Tobias Zapp

Head of DXP

Our projects