Ergosign Collab ZürichWorkshop on October 23, 2024

How do ChatGPT & Co influence the UX of everyday apps?

Collab workshop on October 23, 2024AI in practice

The impressive advances of ChatGPT and similar technologies have revolutionized the world of artificial intelligence. But how do these developments specifically change the user experience (UX) of digital applications in everyday life?

Together, we want to explore this question. In a short keynote presentation, we will present actionable ideas and approaches for how AI can already be applied in practice today.

Afterwards, we invite you to an in-depth exchange of experiences to discover further opportunities and concrete examples.

What can you expect?

We'll meet at 5:30 at our offices of Ergosign Switzerland AG at the following address: Friesenbergstraße 75, 8055 Zürich.

  • Inspiring talk: For fresh ideas and new perspectives.

  • Discussion and sharing of experiences: There is plenty of time for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices among colleagues. 

  • Network with an "Apéro": With a relaxing drink in hand, you will have the opportunity to make new connections or nurture existing ones.

Register now for the free workshop "How do ChatGPT & Co influence the UX of everyday apps?"

October 23, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.

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Toni Steimle

Head of Site Zürich & Basel

Workshop "How do ChatGPT & Co influence the UX of everyday apps?"

Who is the workshop interesting for?

This workshop aims at UX professionals from Zürich and surrounding areas. Independent from industries, this workshop is relevant for everyone who is interested in collaborative methods.

Zwei Frauen kleben Blätter an ein Whiteboard.

Your webinar speaker

Toni Steimle is the Managing Director of Ergosign Switzerland and one of the leading UX professionals in the Swiss UX scene with more than 25 years of experience in user experience strategy, creativity and digital markets.

Toni Steimle has been working for Ergosign Switzerland for over 10 years and is in charge of our offices in Zürich and Basel.

Toni Steimle von Ergosign auf der Bühne während eines Vortrags.