Tobias Zapp

Employee Experience – users are more than “just” customers

Tobias Zapp Principal UX Designer • Head of DXP

04/08/2023 • 5 minutes reading time

Positive customer experience has become increasingly the focus of companies. The goal is to provide an excellent user experience at all digital touchpoints.

This focus is essential because customer satisfaction is crucial for a company's long-term success. Another significant factor that is often overlooked besides customer experience is the experiences of the company's employees, i.e., internal users.

A good experience is only achievable if the company's employees, who manage a service and create content, are also empowered to do so.

Different roles with varying needs and requirements are involved in this process. The key roles include:

Editors are responsible for content creation, editing, and publication. They require an intuitive and efficient user interface in the content management system so that they can perform their tasks quickly and easily.

Designers are responsible for interaction concepts, layout, visual appearance, and the design of digital products. They need powerful design tools. This allows them to effectively implement their creative ideas while enabling optimal collaboration with the development team.

The marketing team uses digital tools to create and manage campaigns. They need seamless integration between various marketing platforms and easy handling to achieve their strategic goals.

Developers play a crucial role in implementing digital solutions. They need a flexible and scalable software architecture. The technical foundation is fundamental to realizing the complex design and content requirements while enabling efficient work.

Project managers and product owners are responsible for ensuring smooth project execution and meeting the requirements of all stakeholders. They need tools that help them stay organized, facilitate communication, and track project progress.

Data analysts collect and analyze data to gain insights and recommendations. They need powerful analytical tools to process large amounts of data and generate meaningful information efficiently.

The comparison of the roles illustrates the different needs and requirements associated with them.

Employees are also users!

All these internal roles are also users outside of their jobs. Therefore, they should also be considered and included in the same way. Through a good user experience for internal tools and systems, employees can work more effectively, complete their tasks faster, and ultimately provide a better customer experience for everyone.

Let's take the editors of a CMS as an example. Here, there are different roles and resulting needs that should be considered. Empirical research methods such as interviews and applying insights into personas allow identifying specific requirements and desires, while user acceptance tests permit their validation. Based on these insights, the backend can be designed to meet the needs of various roles. Close collaboration between design and development is essential in this regard. A task-appropriate frontend and seamless integration with other systems allow CMS editors to create high-quality content with optimal support.
A pivotal moment that highlights the importance of employee experience is software procurement. Selecting the right tools is no longer a trivial task. According to the current Martech Marketing Technology Map, there are nearly 10,000 different tools to choose from. When selecting software, suitable functions must be considered along with usability, customization, and scalability. Ergosign advises companies in this complex task and provides support in all phases—from decision-making to implementation, customization, support, and maintenance.

The challenge for UX design is to develop a conversion-optimized design for customers while ensuring an efficient backend design for CMS editors/content creators. This requires a deep technical understanding and the ability to align the needs of all stakeholders. Storyblok, a headless CMS that allows seamless integration and flexible customization, is an example of a successful solution in this area.

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Interested in learning about the tools and services we use at Ergosign? Find out more in our Employee Experience and DXP section.

Satisfied employees get results

Investing in the digital employee experience has a positive return on investment (ROI) and significantly contributes to a company's performance. This is not just an empty phrase. A better employee experience leads to faster creation of digital products, higher quality, and ultimately an improved customer experience. Satisfied customers are more loyal, which translates into increased revenue and long-term customer relationships.

Furthermore, there are additional measurable benefits to a positive employee experience.

  • Satisfied employees tend to have lower turnover rates (which also reduces overall personnel costs)

  • perform better work,

  • and feel more connected to their employers.

  • This has a positive impact on productivity and company success.

Thus, companies can significantly improve the sustainability of their workforce planning by reducing recruiting costs and onboarding times. Additionally, everyone benefits from the knowledge and expertise of experienced employees. This becomes even more valuable amid the ongoing challenges of skilled labor shortages. Increased loyalty helps the workforce and the entire company to become more resilient (cf. Morgan & Goldsmith, 2017; Gallup; Ellis-Knight, 2023).

Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of internal user experience. Companies should ensure that all internal roles have the tools and systems they need to work efficiently and effectively. A good employee experience is the key to successful customer experience and is integral to a successful and sustainable corporate strategy.

Do you want to improve the employee experience in your company? Contact us!

Tobias Zapp

Want to learn more about DXP? Then Tobi Zapp is the right contact for you. Tobias has been working in the UX design environment at Ergosign for over 14 years and supports a large number of our DXP clients. In recent years, his focus has been primarily on advising companies on the human-centered digitalization of their brand and supporting them in the implementation.

Tobias ZappHead of DXP

Why not come to our Digital Experience Conference on September 6th, 2023 in Saarbrücken? This event will not only offer insights into employee experience but also customer experience and digital experience platforms. Tickets are available here.

Event Header for DXC 2023, 06.09.2023 in Saarbrücken
Save the Date: Digital Experience Conference 06.09.2023

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Header image: Unsplash