Optimize your business with
Artificial Intelligence

Person tippt auf einem Laptop und es werden Icons zu AI eingeblendet.

Customized AI for your business with Ergosign

Many companies are already successfully leveraging the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is used in almost every industry and business sector — from dynamically generated customer service suggestions and AI diagnostics in healthcare to increasing conversion rates through personalized marketing content. But what is the right approach for your business? In which parts of your business processes does using AI make sense, and what should the future collaboration between AI and your employees look like?

With our human-centered and collaborative approach, we help you explore innovative AI solutions for your business. Together, we successfully integrate AI into your existing workflows, products, or services.

Discover how AI can help you stand out from competitors, make your processes and products more efficient, and tackle new challenges. Make your business resilient and future-proof!

Join our free webinars.

In our Ergosign webinars on AI and other exciting topics, we present the latest trends, best practices, and innovative technologies.

About the webinars
Sophia AntoninMilena Suter

Sophia Antonin & Milena Suter

Technology Manager AI/ Data Science & UX Designer

Human-centered focus

At Ergosign, the human being is always at the center of technological progress. Our goal is to develop products and services that support people in their work and enrich their lives. Therefore, the use of new technologies like AI should always contribute to optimizing the user experience, creating products and solutions that offer real value.

In our process, we involve all stakeholders and future users in finding solutions, carefully validating our assumptions and results. These are the fundamental principles of our services for sustainably strengthening your business through AI.

Ergosign Mitarbeiterin beim Testing mit einem ipad.

Our services for future-proof AI

Discover your AI potentialAI Ideation Workshop

Our AI Ideation Workshop is designed to identify the potential of Artificial Intelligence in your company and align your team with a shared knowledge base. During the workshop, you'll analyze your business processes with our AI experts, who will highlight where AI can create the most value. You'll receive a summary of the results and an initial feasibility assessment, enabling you to select the most promising ideas and plan the next steps.

In a nutshell:

  • Workshop with our AI experts and your team

  • AI Potential Report (PDF) with detailed AI Scorecards addressing specific business issues or improvement opportunities

  • AI Scorecards with feasibility and risk assessments for each idea

Scope: 1-day workshop and AI Potential Report creation, including preparation and follow-up

Book your workshop now
Illustration eines Meetings mit 3 Figuren an einem Tisch.

Practical evaluation of your AI potentialAI Exploration Sprint

The AI Exploration Sprint is your next step toward implementing AI solutions. Building on the prioritized ideas from the AI Ideation Workshop or your own concepts, we develop Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) to test the feasibility and value of the selected AI applications.

Establish the foundation for future decisions and maximize the benefits of AI for your business.

In a nutshell:

  • Proof-of-Concepts: Practical evaluation of AI potential using your data

  • Idea Validation: Assessment of general feasibility of AI applications as basis for realistic evaluation

  • Informed Assessment: Multidimensional evaluation of AI ideas (effort, expected quality, etc.) for decision-making on further development

Scope: 1-3 weeks, depending on individual requirements

Book your AI Exploration Sprint

Long-standing expertise with AI

Working with artificial intelligence is anything but new to Ergosign — back in 2004, we supported the project team led by Microsoft founder Paul Allen in the evaluation of “Project Halo”. The focus was on the development of a system that could answer complex questions from the natural sciences, as a “digital Aristotle”.

Over the past two decades, we have worked with various consortium partners on pioneering AI research projects funded by federal ministries. For example in the field of autonomous driving, in projects such as APEROL and STADT:up, our AI expertise contributes to shaping the future.

In addition, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in our projects within the healthcare sector:
While we focused on explaining AI-generated medical diagnoses in the research project IMEDALytics, the research project SiBed centered on predicting user actions through automated AI models.

As part of the DiCo research project, Ergosign has been involved in the development of a digital assistance system to guide care facilities through the digital transformation process in a systematic and needs-oriented manner.
In the AVASAG project, our aim is to contribute to inclusion by researching AI-supported avatars in sign language.

Schedule your free consultation now


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